Source code for scikits.bootstrap.bootstrap

"""Scikits.bootstrap provides bootstrap confidence interval algorithms for scipy.

It also provides an algorithm which estimates the probability that the statistics
lies satisfies some criteria, e.g. lies in some interval."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from math import ceil, sqrt
from typing import Sequence, cast, overload
import sys

import numpy as np

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import (
    from typing_extensions import Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
    from typing import Union, Iterable, Any, Optional, Iterator, Callable, Tuple

import warnings
import pyerf

    from numba import njit, prange

except ImportError:

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import TypeAlias

    NDArrayAny: TypeAlias = "np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]]"
    NDArrayFloat: TypeAlias = "np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float_]]"
    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

    NDArrayAny: TypeAlias = "np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[Any]]"
    NDArrayFloat: TypeAlias = "np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float_]]"

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    import pandas

__all__ = (

if False:
    import pandas as pd

s2 = sqrt(2)

def _ncdf_py(x: float) -> float:
    return 0.5 * (1 + cast(float, pyerf.erf(x / s2)))

def _nppf_py(x: float) -> float:
    return s2 * cast(float, pyerf.erfinv(2 * x - 1))

nppf = np.vectorize(_nppf_py, [float])
ncdf = np.vectorize(_ncdf_py, [float])

__version__ = "1.1.0"

class InstabilityWarning(UserWarning):
    """Issued when results may be unstable."""

# On import, make sure that InstabilityWarnings are not filtered out.
warnings.simplefilter("always", InstabilityWarning)

StatFunction = Callable[..., Any]

StatFunctionWithWeights = StatFunction

# class StatFunctionWithWeights(Protocol):
#    def __call__(self, *args: Any, weights: NDArrayAny = None) -> Any:
#        ...

DataType = Union[
    "Tuple[Union[NDArrayAny, Sequence[Any]], ...]",
SeedType = Union[

def ci(
    data: DataType,
    statfunction: Optional[StatFunctionWithWeights] = None,
    alpha: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0.05,
    n_samples: int = 10000,
    method: Literal["abc"],
    output: Literal["lowhigh", "errorbar"] = "lowhigh",
    epsilon: float = 0.001,
    multi: Union[None, bool, Literal["independent"], Literal["paired"]] = None,
    return_dist: Literal[True],
    seed: SeedType = None,
    use_numba: bool = False,
) -> "Tuple[NDArrayAny, NDArrayAny]":

def ci(
    data: DataType,
    statfunction: Optional[StatFunctionWithWeights] = None,
    alpha: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0.05,
    n_samples: int = 10000,
    method: Literal["abc"],
    output: Literal["lowhigh", "errorbar"] = "lowhigh",
    epsilon: float = 0.001,
    multi: Union[None, bool, Literal["independent"], Literal["paired"]] = None,
    return_dist: Literal[False] = False,
    seed: SeedType = None,
    use_numba: bool = False,
) -> "NDArrayAny":

def ci(
    data: DataType,
    statfunction: Optional[StatFunction] = None,
    alpha: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0.05,
    n_samples: int = 10000,
    method: Literal["pi", "bca"] = "bca",
    output: Literal["lowhigh", "errorbar"] = "lowhigh",
    epsilon: float = 0.001,
    multi: Union[None, bool, Literal["independent"], Literal["paired"]] = None,
    return_dist: Literal[True],
    seed: SeedType = None,
    use_numba: bool = False,
) -> "Tuple[NDArrayAny, NDArrayAny]":

def ci(
    data: DataType,
    statfunction: Optional[StatFunction] = None,
    alpha: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0.05,
    n_samples: int = 10000,
    method: Literal["pi", "bca"] = "bca",
    output: Literal["lowhigh", "errorbar"] = "lowhigh",
    epsilon: float = 0.001,
    multi: Union[None, bool, Literal["independent"], Literal["paired"]] = None,
    return_dist: Literal[False] = False,
    seed: SeedType = None,
    use_numba: bool = False,
) -> "NDArrayAny":

[docs]def ci( data: DataType, statfunction: Optional[Union[StatFunctionWithWeights, StatFunction]] = None, alpha: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0.05, n_samples: int = 10000, method: Literal["pi", "bca", "abc"] = "bca", output: Literal["lowhigh", "errorbar"] = "lowhigh", epsilon: float = 0.001, multi: Union[None, bool, Literal["independent"], Literal["paired"]] = None, return_dist: Literal[False, True] = False, seed: SeedType = None, use_numba: bool = False, ) -> """Union[ NDArrayAny, Tuple[NDArrayAny, NDArrayAny], ]""": """ Given a set of data ``data``, and a statistics function ``statfunction`` that applies to that data, computes the bootstrap confidence interval for ``statfunction`` on that data. Data points are assumed to be delineated by axis 0. Parameters ---------- data: array_like, shape (N, ...) OR tuple of array_like all with shape (N, ...) Input data. Data points are assumed to be delineated by axis 0. Beyond this, the shape doesn't matter, so long as ``statfunction`` can be applied to the array. If a tuple of array_likes is passed, then samples from each array (along axis 0) are passed in order as separate parameters to the statfunction. The type of data (single array or tuple of arrays) can be explicitly specified by the multi parameter. statfunction: function (data, weights=(weights, optional)) -> value This function should accept samples of data from ``data``. It is applied to these samples individually. If using the ABC method, the function _must_ accept a named ``weights`` parameter which will be an array_like with weights for each sample, and must return a _weighted_ result. Otherwise this parameter is not used or required. Note that numpy's np.average accepts this. (default=np.average) alpha: float or iterable, optional The percentiles to use for the confidence interval (default=0.05). If this is a float, the returned values are (alpha/2, 1-alpha/2) percentile confidence intervals. If it is an iterable, alpha is assumed to be an iterable of each desired percentile. n_samples: float, optional The number of bootstrap samples to use (default=10_000) method: string, optional The method to use: one of 'pi', 'bca', or 'abc' (default='bca') output: string, optional The format of the output. 'lowhigh' gives low and high confidence interval values. 'errorbar' gives transposed abs(value-confidence interval value) values that are suitable for use with matplotlib's errorbar function. (default='lowhigh') epsilon: float, optional (only for ABC method) The step size for finite difference calculations in the ABC method. Ignored for all other methods. (default=0.001) multi: boolean or string, optional If False, assume data is a single array. If True or "paired", assume data is a tuple/other iterable of arrays of the same length that should be sampled together (eg, values in each array at a particular index are linked in some way). If None, "paired" is used if data is an actual tuple, and False otherwise. If "independent", sample the tuple of arrays separately. For True/"paired", each array must be the same length. (default=None) An example of a situation where True/"paired" might be useful is if you have an array of x points and an array of y points, and want confidence intervals on a linear fit, eg `,y), lambda a,b: np.polyfit(a,b,1), multi="paired"). In this case, the statistic function needs to have samples that preserve the links between values in x and y in order for the fit to make sense. This is equivalent to running on an Nx2 array. An example of where "independent" might be useful is if you have an array of values x and an array of values y, and you want a confidence interval for the difference of the averages of the values in each, eg `,y), lambda a,b: np.average(a)-np.average(b), multi="independent")` . Here, you don't care about maintaining the link between each value in x and y, and treat them separately. This is equivalent to taking bootstrap samples of x and y separately, and then running the statistic function on those bootstrap samples. return_dist: boolean, optional Whether to return the bootstrap distribution along with the confidence intervals. Defaults to ``False``. Note that, as the 'abc' method does not actually calculate the bootstrap distribution, `method='abc'` conflicts with `return_dist=True` . Returns ------- confidences: tuple of floats The confidence percentiles specified by alpha stat: array Bootstrap distribution. Returned only if ``return_dist=True``. Calculation Methods ------------------- 'pi': Percentile Interval (Efron 13.3) The percentile interval method simply returns the 100*alphath bootstrap sample's values for the statistic. This is an extremely simple method of confidence interval calculation. However, it has several disadvantages compared to the bias-corrected accelerated method, which is the default. 'bca': Bias-Corrected Accelerated (BCa) Non-Parametric (Efron 14.3) (default) This method is much more complex to explain. However, it gives considerably better results, and is generally recommended for normal situations. Note that in cases where the statistic is smooth, and can be expressed with weights, the ABC method will give approximated results much, much faster. Note that in a case where the statfunction results in equal output for every bootstrap sample, the BCa confidence interval is technically undefined, as the acceleration value is undefined. To match the percentile interval method and give reasonable output, the implementation of this method returns a confidence interval of zero width using the 0th bootstrap sample in this case, and warns the user. 'abc': Approximate Bootstrap Confidence (Efron 14.4, 22.6) This method provides approximated bootstrap confidence intervals without actually taking bootstrap samples. This requires that the statistic be smooth, and allow for weighting of individual points with a weights= parameter (note that np.average allows this). This is _much_ faster than all other methods for situations where it can be used. Examples -------- To calculate the confidence intervals for the mean of some numbers: >> np.randn(100), np.average ) Given some data points in arrays x and y calculate the confidence intervals for all linear regression coefficients simultaneously: >> (x,y), scipy.stats.linregress ) References ---------- Efron, An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman & Hall 1993 """ # Deal with the alpha values if isinstance(alpha, Iterable): alphas: "NDArrayFloat" = np.array(alpha) else: alphas = np.array([alpha / 2, 1 - alpha / 2]) # Create a new rng instance rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) # Actually check multi value: if multi not in [False, True, None, "independent", "paired"]: raise ValueError("Value `{}` for multi is not recognized.".format(multi)) if multi is None: multi = bool(isinstance(data, tuple)) # Ensure that the data is actually an array. This isn't nice to pandas, # but pandas seems much much slower and the indices become a problem. if multi and isinstance(data, Iterable): tdata: "Tuple[NDArrayAny, ...]" = tuple(np.array(x) for x in data) lengths = [x.shape[0] for x in tdata] if (len(np.unique(lengths)) > 1) and multi != "independent": raise ValueError( "Data arrays have differing lengths {}, and ".format(lengths) + "multi is not set to 'independent'." ) else: tdata = (np.array(data),) if statfunction is None: statfunction = np.average elif not callable(statfunction): # Ensure that the statfunction is actually a callable, handling # the confusion where someone passes a *return value* of a function # rather than a function. raise TypeError( "statfunction {} is not callable. If you tried ".format(statfunction) + "calling a function with arguments here, for example, by using " + "statfunction=myfunction(data, arg), then you probably need " + "to wrap your function in a lambda, eg, as " + "statfunction=(lambda data: myfunction(data, arg)). " + "If your function doesn't need any arguments other than the data, " + "you can alternatively use statfunction=myfunction (without " + "parentheses." ) assert statfunction is not None if method == "abc": if return_dist: raise ValueError( "The ABC method is being used, but return_dist=True. The distribution cannot be" + "returned in this case, because the ABC method doesn't actually calculate it." ) return _ci_abc( tdata, statfunction, epsilon, alphas, output, multi, ) if multi != "independent": if ( statfunction in (np.average, np.mean) and len(tdata) == 1 and NUMBA_AVAILABLE and use_numba ): # FIXME: better than nothing for now numba_seed = int(rng.integers(1_000_000)) # Numba doesn't support generators. stat = _calculate_boostrap_mean_stat(tdata[0], n_samples, seed=numba_seed) elif use_numba: raise ValueError("Numba can't be used with these values currently.") else: bootindices = bootstrap_indices(tdata[0], n_samples, seed=rng) stat = np.array( [statfunction(*(x[indices] for x in tdata)) for indices in bootindices] ) else: if use_numba: raise NotImplementedError( "Numba for independent data is not implemented, because the numba code does not support >1d data yet" ) bootindices_ind = bootstrap_indices_independent(tdata, n_samples, seed=rng) stat = np.array( [ statfunction(*(x[i] for x, i in zip(tdata, indices))) for indices in bootindices_ind ] ) stat.sort(axis=0) if method == "pi": # Percentile Interval Method avals = alphas elif method == "bca": # Bias-Corrected Accelerated Method avals = _avals_bca( tdata, statfunction, stat, alphas, n_samples, multi, use_numba=use_numba ) else: raise ValueError("Method {0} is not supported.".format(method)) nvals: "NDArrayAny" = np.round((n_samples - 1) * avals) oldnperr = np.seterr(invalid="ignore") if np.any(np.isnan(nvals)): warnings.warn( "Some values were NaN; results are probably unstable " + "(all values were probably equal)", InstabilityWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if np.any(nvals == 0) or np.any(nvals == n_samples - 1): warnings.warn( "Some values used extremal samples; " + "results are probably unstable.", InstabilityWarning, stacklevel=2, ) elif np.any(nvals < 10) or np.any(nvals >= n_samples - 10): warnings.warn( "Some values used top 10 low/high samples; " + "results may be unstable.", InstabilityWarning, stacklevel=2, ) np.seterr(**oldnperr) nvals = np.nan_to_num(nvals).astype("int") if output == "lowhigh": if nvals.ndim == 1: # All nvals are the same. Simple broadcasting out: "NDArrayAny" = stat[nvals] else: # Nvals are different for each data point. Not simple broadcasting. # Each set of nvals along axis 0 corresponds to the data at the same # point in other axes. out = stat[(nvals, np.indices(nvals.shape)[1:].squeeze())] elif output == "errorbar": if nvals.ndim == 1: out = np.abs(statfunction(*tdata) - stat[nvals])[np.newaxis].T # type: ignore else: out = np.abs( statfunction(*tdata) - stat[(nvals, np.indices(nvals.shape)[1:])] # type: ignore ).T.squeeze() else: raise ValueError("Output option {0} is not supported.".format(output)) if return_dist: return out, stat else: return out
def _ci_abc( tdata: "Tuple[NDArrayAny, ...]", statfunction: StatFunctionWithWeights, epsilon: float, alphas: "NDArrayAny", output: Literal["lowhigh", "errorbar"], multi: Union[bool, Literal["independent", "paired"]], ) -> "NDArrayAny": if multi == "independent": raise NotImplementedError( "multi='independent' is not currently supported for ABC." ) n = tdata[0].shape[0] * 1.0 nn = tdata[0].shape[0] Imatrix = np.identity(nn) ep = epsilon / n * 1.0 p0 = np.repeat(1.0 / n, nn) try: t0 = statfunction(*tdata, weights=p0) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError("statfunction does not accept correct arguments for ABC") from e di_full: "NDArrayAny" = Imatrix - p0 tp: NDArrayAny = np.fromiter( (statfunction(*tdata, weights=p0 + ep * di) for di in di_full), dtype=float ) tm: NDArrayAny = np.fromiter( (statfunction(*tdata, weights=p0 - ep * di) for di in di_full), dtype=float ) t1 = (tp - tm) / (2 * ep) t2 = (tp - 2 * t0 + tm) / ep ** 2 sighat = np.sqrt(np.sum(t1 ** 2)) / n a = (np.sum(t1 ** 3)) / (6 * n ** 3 * sighat ** 3) delta = t1 / (n ** 2 * sighat) cq = ( statfunction(*tdata, weights=p0 + ep * delta) - 2 * t0 + statfunction(*tdata, weights=p0 - ep * delta) ) / (2 * sighat * ep ** 2) bhat = np.sum(t2) / (2 * n ** 2) curv = bhat / sighat - cq z0 = nppf(2 * ncdf(a) * ncdf(-curv)) Z = z0 + nppf(alphas) za = Z / (1 - a * Z) ** 2 # stan = t0 + sighat * nppf(alphas) abc: "NDArrayAny" = np.zeros_like(alphas) for i in range(0, len(alphas)): abc[i] = statfunction(*tdata, weights=p0 + za[i] * delta) if output == "lowhigh": return abc elif output == "errorbar": return cast( NDArrayAny, abs(abc - statfunction(*tdata))[np.newaxis].T, ) raise ValueError("Output option {0} is not supported.".format(output)) def _avals_bca( tdata: "Tuple[NDArrayAny, ...]", statfunction: StatFunction, stat: "NDArrayAny", alphas: "NDArrayAny", n_samples: int, multi: Union[bool, Literal["paired"], Literal["independent"]], use_numba: bool = False, ) -> "NDArrayAny": # The value of the statistic function applied just to the actual data. ostat = statfunction(*tdata) # The bias correction value. z0 = nppf((1.0 * np.sum(stat < ostat, axis=0)) / n_samples) # Statistics of the jackknife distribution if multi != "independent": if ( statfunction in (np.average, np.mean) and len(tdata) == 1 and NUMBA_AVAILABLE and use_numba ): jstat = _calculate_jackknife_mean_stat(tdata[0]).tolist() else: jstat = [] for i in np.arange(0, len(tdata[0])): jstat.append( statfunction(*(np.concatenate((x[:i], x[i + 1 :])) for x in tdata)) ) else: jackindices = jackknife_indices_independent(tdata) jstat = np.array( [ statfunction(*(x[i] for x, i in zip(tdata, indices))) for indices in jackindices ] ) jmean = np.mean(jstat, axis=0) # Temporarily kill numpy warnings: oldnperr = np.seterr(invalid="ignore") # Acceleration value a = np.sum((jmean - jstat) ** 3, axis=0) / ( 6.0 * np.sum((jmean - jstat) ** 2, axis=0) ** 1.5 ) if np.any(np.isnan(a)): nanind = np.nonzero(np.isnan(a)) warnings.warn( "BCa acceleration values for indices {} were undefined. \ Statistic values were likely all equal. Affected CI will \ be inaccurate.".format( nanind ), InstabilityWarning, stacklevel=2, ) zs = z0 + nppf(alphas).reshape(alphas.shape + (1,) * z0.ndim) avals: "NDArrayAny" = ncdf(z0 + zs / (1 - a * zs)) np.seterr(**oldnperr) return avals if NUMBA_AVAILABLE: # These are excluded from coverage because they are run through Numba # and won't notice that. @njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True) # type: ignore def _calculate_jackknife_mean_stat( data: "NDArrayAny", ) -> "NDArrayAny": # pragma: no cover n = data.shape[0] jstat = np.zeros(n) sum = data.sum() for i in prange(n): # Alternative solution, which can be used when we want use custom stat function # jstat[i] = np.concatenate((data[:i], data[i+1:])).mean() jstat[i] = (sum - data[i]) / (n - 1) return jstat @njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True) # type: ignore def _calculate_boostrap_mean_stat( data: "NDArrayAny", n_samples: int, seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "NDArrayAny": # pragma: no cover n = data.shape[0] stat = np.zeros(n_samples) for i in prange(n_samples): if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed + i) # FIXME stat[i] = np.random.choice(data, n).mean() return stat
[docs]def bootstrap_indices( data: "NDArrayAny", n_samples: int = 10000, seed: SeedType = None, ) -> Iterator["NDArrayAny"]: """ Given data points data, where axis 0 is considered to delineate points, return an generator for sets of bootstrap indices. This can be used as a list of bootstrap indices (with list(bootstrap_indices(data))) as well. """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) dlen = data.shape[0] for _ in range(n_samples): yield rng.integers(low=0, high=dlen, size=(dlen,))
def bootstrap_indices_independent( data: Tuple["NDArrayAny", ...], n_samples: int = 10000, seed: SeedType = None, ) -> Iterator[Tuple["NDArrayAny", ...]]: rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) dlens = [x.shape[0] for x in data] for _ in range(n_samples): yield tuple(rng.integers(low=0, high=dlen, size=(dlen,)) for dlen in dlens)
[docs]def jackknife_indices( data: "NDArrayAny", ) -> Iterator["NDArrayAny"]: """ Given data points data, where axis 0 is considered to delineate points, return a list of arrays where each array is a set of jackknife indices. For a given set of data Y, the jackknife sample J[i] is defined as the data set Y with the ith data point deleted. """ base = np.arange(0, len(data)) return (np.delete(base, i) for i in base)
def jackknife_indices_independent( data: Tuple["NDArrayAny", ...] ) -> Iterator[Tuple["NDArrayAny", ...]]: base = [np.arange(0, len(x)) for x in data] for i, b in enumerate(base): for j in base[i]: yield tuple(base[0:i] + [np.delete(b, j)] + base[i + 1 :])
[docs]def subsample_indices( data: "NDArrayAny", n_samples: int = 1000, size: float = 0.5, seed: SeedType = None, ) -> "NDArrayAny": """ Given data points data, where axis 0 is considered to delineate points, return a list of arrays where each array is indices a subsample of the data of size ``size``. If size is >= 1, then it will be taken to be an absolute size. If size < 1, it will be taken to be a fraction of the data size. If size == -1, it will be taken to mean subsamples the same size as the sample (ie, permuted samples) """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) if size == -1: size = len(data) elif 0 < size < 1: size = int(round(size * len(data))) elif size < 1: raise ValueError("size cannot be {0}".format(size)) elif size > len(data): raise ValueError(f"Size {size} is larger than data size {len(data)}.") base: "NDArrayAny" = np.tile(np.arange(len(data)), (n_samples, 1)) for sample in base: rng.shuffle(sample) return cast("NDArrayAny", base[:, 0 : cast(int, size)])
[docs]def bootstrap_indices_moving_block( data: "NDArrayAny", n_samples: int = 10000, block_length: int = 3, wrap: bool = False, seed: SeedType = None, ) -> Iterator["NDArrayAny"]: """Generate moving-block bootstrap samples. Given data points `data`, where axis 0 is considered to delineate points, return a generator for sets of bootstrap indices. This can be used as a list of bootstrap indices (with list(bootstrap_indices_moving_block(data))) as well. Parameters ---------- n_samples [default 10000]: the number of subsamples to generate. block_length [default 3]: the length of block. wrap [default False]: if false, choose only blocks within the data, making the last block for data of length L start at L-block_length. If true, choose blocks starting anywhere, and if they extend past the end of the data, wrap around to the beginning of the data again.""" rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) n_obs = data.shape[0] n_blocks = int(ceil(n_obs / block_length)) nexts = np.repeat(np.arange(0, block_length)[None, :], n_blocks, axis=0) if wrap: last_block = n_obs else: last_block = n_obs - block_length for _ in range(n_samples): blocks = rng.integers(0, last_block, size=n_blocks) if not wrap: yield (blocks[:, None] + nexts).ravel()[:n_obs] else: yield np.mod((blocks[:, None] + nexts).ravel()[:n_obs], n_obs)
[docs]def pval( data: DataType, statfunction: StatFunction = np.average, compfunction: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda s: cast(bool, s > 0), n_samples: int = 10000, multi: Optional[bool] = None, seed: SeedType = None, ) -> "Union[np.number[Any], NDArrayAny]": """ Given a set of data ``data``, a statistics function ``statfunction`` that applies to that data, and the criteria function ``compfunction``, computes the bootstrap probability that the statistics function ``statfunction`` on that data satisfies the the criteria function ``compfunction``. Data points are assumed to be delineated by axis 0. Parameters ---------- data: array_like, shape (N, ...) OR tuple of array_like all with shape (N, ...) Input data. Data points are assumed to be delineated by axis 0. Beyond this, the shape doesn't matter, so long as ``statfunction`` can be applied to the array. If a tuple of array_likes is passed, then samples from each array (along axis 0) are passed in order as separate parameters to the statfunction. The type of data (single array or tuple of arrays) can be explicitly specified by the multi parameter. statfunction: function (data, weights=(weights, optional)) -> value This function should accept samples of data from ``data``. It is applied to these samples individually. compfunction: function (stat) -> True or False This function should accept result of the statfunction computed on the samples of data from ``data``. It is applied to these results individually. The default tests for each element of statfunction output being > 0. n_samples: float, optional The number of bootstrap samples to use (default=10_000). multi: boolean, optional If False, assume data is a single array. If True, assume data is a tuple/other iterable of arrays of the same length that should be sampled together. If None, decide based on whether the data is an actual tuple. (default=None) Returns ------- probability: a float The probability that the statistics defined by the statfunction satisfies the criteria defined by the compfunction. References ---------- Efron, An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman & Hall 1993 """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) if multi is None: multi = bool(isinstance(data, tuple)) # Ensure that the data is actually an array. This isn't nice to pandas, # but pandas seems much much slower and the indices become a problem. if not multi: data = np.array(data) tdata: Tuple["NDArrayAny", ...] = (data,) else: tdata = tuple(np.array(x) for x in data) # We don't need to generate actual samples; that would take more memory. # Instead, we can generate just the indices, and then apply the statfun # to those indices. bootindices = bootstrap_indices(tdata[0], n_samples, seed=rng) stat: "NDArrayAny" = np.array( [statfunction(*(x[indices] for x in tdata)) for indices in bootindices] ) stat.sort(axis=0) pval_stat = [compfunction(s) for s in stat] # print pval_stat return cast( "Union[np.number[Any], NDArrayAny]", np.mean(pval_stat, axis=0), )